Monday, May 25, 2020

Literary Essay on A Story of an Hour - 753 Words

â€Å"The Story of An Hour† focuses on sixty minutes in the life of a young nineteenth-century woman, Mrs. Mallard. Upon learning of her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard experiences an epiphany about her future without a husband. Her life, due to heart problems, suddenly ends after she unexpectedly finds out her husband is actually alive. Mrs. Mallard’s actions cause the reader to cogitate a hidden meaning weaved into Kate‘s short story. Chopin had an idea that women felt confined in their marriages, and the idea is brought out through the protagonist’s initial reaction, excessive joy, and new perspective of the world following the upsetting news. The first example of the theme arises when the protagonist â€Å"wept at once, with sudden, wild†¦show more content†¦Mallard’s unexpected bout of joy also supports the theme; if she was not feeling confined, her feelings of grief would not have been replaced by excessive joy. Time moves alon g, and she continues to whisper â€Å"free! Body and soul free!† (Chopin 2). It is further understood that the character was released from a constricted marriage because the words willingly slip roll off her tongue. The last example occurs during and after Mrs. Mallard watches the â€Å"tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life† (Chopin 1). This shows that the character’s image of the world is already changed since she was informed of her husband’s death. In the twelfth paragraph, Chopin uses her character’s new perspective of the world to exemplify the confinement women felt. The character understood she had â€Å"no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself† (Chopin 2). Mrs. Mallard’s thoughts revolve around her limitations during marriage. She soon realizes that she would have â€Å"no powerful will bending hers† (Chopin 2). Mrs. Mallard was likely controlled her entire marriage; and now she is released from her husband’s dominance. Before opening the door for her sister, she was thinking about â€Å"all sorts of days that would be her own† (Chopin 2). The character looked forward t o her new life ahead of her because of the new freedom she has gained; she thought about the future that involved her freedom from marriage. Mrs. Mallard eventually says a prayer to herselfShow MoreRelated Literary Analysis: the Story of an Hour Essays645 Words   |  3 PagesWhen first reading Kate Chopins Story of an Hour, one may not typically be surprised at its ending, write it off as one of those creepy back from the dead horror stories and forget about it. There is more to this story than simply horror. The author is making a very strong, however subtle, statement towards humanity and womens rights. Through subtle symbolism, Kate Chopin shows how marriage is more like a confining role of servitude rather than a loving partnership. 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