Sunday, February 23, 2020

Response to Changing Perspective of Service in Financial Services Research Proposal

Response to Changing Perspective of Service in Financial Services Sector - Research Proposal Example The FSA has announced several measures to improve corporate governance in the financial services sector. The objective of these regulations is to increase the confidence level of the consumers about the working of the companies, taking into account the financial and non-financial aspects. Financial Services Act 1986 has been replaced by the Financial Services and Market Act 2000 with a view to tightening the controls on the financial services industry... d Market Act 2000 with a view to tightening the controls on the financial services industry, and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) exercises the statutory powers derived from this act. It is increasingly felt that the business model is based on incentives and the role of the independent financial advisors from the investors' protection point of view has become questionable. According to FSA (2010) Retail Distribution Review (RDR), launched in 2006 aims to address the problems inherent in the retail investment market, and is expected to be implemented by 2012 for regulating the sale of retail financial services such as life assurance, pensions, long term savings, and fund management, and it has a profound impact on the operations of the bigger players in the industry like Aviva. Aviva is the biggest insurance group in the UK and it is the world's sixth largest company in the insurance industry with market leadership in general insurance, fire insurance, pension, long term savings and fund management with worldwide operations. The regulatory issues are multifarious and as diversified as the industry.     

Friday, February 7, 2020

Marginal analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marginal analysis - Essay Example He begins by putting diversity into perspective and conceding that high levels of diversification brings earnings loser to economic profits of zero; at this point, economic equals accounting profits less the opportunity cost related to capital. In making the diversification move, Rudow explains that GU made two main investment decisions; the first one was to purchase Jin Xin Copper Company Ltd giving it 67% ownership through its partially owned subsidiary-Engen Investment (EI). The second was the purchase of an extra 8% through the same subsidiary from other shareholders; Gold Hero and Silver Harvest (Rudow, 2011). In this whole transaction, Rudow explains, marginal analysis compels compelled GU to evaluate the true cost each investments and make isolated judgments. Given the purchased company was Chinese, investments costs were absorbed in levels of business entities with independent costs that must all be considered to come up with real returns of which he carefully analyzed. He clarified in the article that the income statement alone cannot account for relevant costs since numerous capital allocations were buried in the balance sheet, and only by carrying out a marginal analysis, is GU able to clearly determine real returns in this diversification venture. Since recycled copper will from this deal be a primary source of revenue, GU is now able to mitigate problems from contacting biodiesel business segment. In this article, D Cohen looks at Welsh Health Planning Forum recognized 10 health gain areas with the help of marginal analysis. This analysis, he explains, examined the outcomes of changing the present balance of expenditure between the various healthcare programs. To achieve this, he further explains that resources are discharged from disinvestments to support chosen investment programs so that the entire strategy is resource neutral. The overall achievements in health benefits as a result of this strategy